BLOG: This thing called fear...

Fear is considered a natural response to danger. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work, but anxiety….persistent anxiety is something different altogether.

For me, it’s usually brought on by a sense of not being in control..which is funny because as a human being, I control very little in the grand scheme of things. 

I looked up at the sky yesterday and realized that life is much like the weather. I was never meant to control it, I was only meant to control my reaction to it. I’ve never had a burning desire to control the weather. I’ve always viewed it as a natural occurrence. But I never really thought to apply this same principle to my life until recently. 

I believe that as a human being, my power is limited and I have to be comfortable living within my limitations or in other words, living within my power. I think I prefer to view it from an empowered perspective rather than a limited one. 

It really comes down to trust for me. Trust in God. Trust that things are ultimately working for my good (even though I don’t deserve it), and trust in the process - in my ability to get through whatever comes my way. 

I cannot consider my fears without considering love. Because love and fear cannot coexist. This is something that I am learning everyday. I am just glad that in my fearful moments, Love is there to remind me…

Until next time,

Ms. Melody Monroe



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